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May 18, 2019 2 min read

A clear plastic storage box works well because you can generally see what is going on inside the humidity box during the callusing process. This allows you to check moisture content as well as when the callous appears without opening the box. The following shows examples of two different sizes of humidity boxes.

The basic necessities for building a compact (2-5 cuttings) humidity box:
A clear plastic storage box works well because you can generally see what is going on inside humidity box during the callusing process. This allows you to check moisture content as well as when the callous appears without opening the box. This box is 12" long by 10" wide by 6" high. The wetted moss will be the source of humidity and the PVC tubes will be what the cuttings rest on to keep them from touching the damp moss.

Lay down the moss on the bottom for the box, moisten thoroughly with clean water and place PVC tubes on top of moss.

Place your cutting(s) on top of tubes and move box to a warm and shady area. Cutting(s) take about 3 to 7 days to become fully calloused. When callous is observed, remove cutting(s) and pot immediately.

The basic necessities for building a larger (1-3 dozen cuttings) humidity box:
A larger plastic storage box works well for doing many more cuttings at a time. This box is 20" long by 16" wide by 12" high. The wetted moss will be the source of humidity and the 1 1/2" X 15" PVC tubes will be what the cuttings rest on to keep them from touching the damp moss.

More cuttings may be added by using creative stacking strategies inside the larger box.

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